SQL Programming Language

SQL Tutorial

SQL Create Database - SQL Tutorials

SQL Create Database

One of the fundamental operations in SQL is creating a new database, which serves as a container for tables and other objects. The CREATE DATABASE statement is the SQL command used to create a new database within a database management system (DBMS).

This statement allows you to define the name of the new database and, optionally, specify various characteristics and options. Creating a database is typically the first step in setting up a new data storage environment before proceeding to create tables, insert data, and perform other database operations.

Creating a Database with SQL

Let’s consider a practical example where we want to create a database for a fictional library management system:


This command will create a new database named “LibraryDB.”

Options and Additional Settings:

While the basic syntax is simple, the CREATE DATABASE statement allows for additional options and settings to customize the database creation process.

Some commonly used options include:

1. Collation:

The COLLATE option specifies the collation for the database, which determines how string comparison is performed. Collations define the rules for sorting and comparing characters in the database.

					CREATE DATABASE database_name
COLLATE collation_name;


2. File and Filegroup Settings:

This option allows you to specify the physical file name and location of the database files. You can also define filegroups to organize the data and control file placement.

					CREATE DATABASE database_name
    NAME = logical_file_name,
    FILENAME = 'file_path'


3. Database Properties:

The WITH clause enables you to set various properties for the database, such as recovery model, compatibility level, and more.

					CREATE DATABASE database_name


Creating a database using SQL is a fundamental skill for database administrators and developers. The CREATE DATABASE statement provides a flexible and powerful mechanism for establishing the foundation of your data management system. By understanding the SQL syntax, options, and considerations associated with this statement, you can create well-organized and efficient SQL databases to support your applications and business processes.
